The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of General 1st Rank  Zhou Zhiruo

Zhou Zhiruo

General 1st Rank

* 30th of November 1889

† 29th of August 1986



1936-01-24 Lieutenant-General
1950-04-25 General 2nd Rank
1951-05-14 General 1st Rank


1926-XX-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 3rd Regiment, 21st Division
1927-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 21st Division
1928-XX-XX Director of Upper Yangtze Office, Military Commission
1930-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 11th Division
1930-XX-XX Commanding Officer 31st Brigade, 11th Division
1930-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 14th Division
1932-XX-XX 1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 14th Division, 18th Army
1932-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer, 18th Army
1933-XX-XX Studies Aviation Education abroad
1934-XX-XX Commandant of the Central Aviation Academy
1936-XX-XX Director Aviation Commission
1937-XX-XX Chief of 1st Bureau, Aviation Commission
1938-XX-XX Commander in Chief Air Force Combat Command
1946-XX-XX Commander in Chief Air Force
1949-XX-XX Chief of the General Staff
1954-XX-XX Secretary-General of the National Defence Conference
1957-XX-XX Chairman of Taiwan Provincial Government
1957-XX-XX Commanding Officer Taiwan Defence Command
1962-XX-XX Chief of Military Staff, President's Office
1966-XX-XX Strategy Advisor, President's Office
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