The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Philip de Fonblanque

de Fonblanque, Philip


* 16th of November 1885

† 2nd of July 1940

(Royal Engineers)


1928-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1930-02-23 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-01-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1931-07-01)
1937-05-29 Temporary Brigadier
1939-09-03 Major-General (Dated back to 1938-06-26)


1926-07-30 1930-02-22 Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General, War Office
1930-09-03 1932-07-19 Commander Royal Engineers, Lucknow District [India]
1933-06-17 1933-12-31 Commander Royal Engineers, Delhi Independent Brigade Area [India]
1934-01-01 1937-05-28 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, Aldershot Command
1937-05-29 1939-09-02 Chief Administration Officer, Scottish Command
1939-09-03 1940-05-23 General Officer Commanding Lines of Communication, British Expeditionary Force [France]
1940-07-02 Died of a heart attack
Picture source: Courtesy of john Redmond