The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Max von Hartlieb gennant Walsporn

von Hartlieb gennant Walsporn, Max


* 20th of October 1883

† 25th of July 1959


1932-01-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-04-01 Colonel
1937-04-01 Major-General
1939-04-01 Honorary Lieutenant-General
1939-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1930-10-01 1934-01-11 Commanding Officer 2nd Motor Transport Battalion
1934-01-11 1934-10-01 Officer to Disposal of the Chief of the Army Command
1934-10-01 1935-10-15 Commanding Officer Infantry Regiment Meiningen
1935-10-15 1938-10-11 Commanding Officer 2nd Panzer Brigade
1938-10-11 1940-05-22 Commanding Officer 5th Panzer Brigade
1940-05-22 1940-06-20 Unemployed
1940-06-20 1942-01-19 General Officer Commanding Division 179
1942-01-19 1942-05-19 General Officer Commanding Army Rear Area 585
1942-05-19 1942-09-14 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-09-14 1943-02-01 Unemployed
1943-02-01 1944-07-07 Senior Field Commandant Krakow
1944-07-07 1944-10-14 Senior Field Commandant 226
1944-10-14 1945-05-08 General Officer Commanding Divisional Staff for Special Employment 602
1945-05-08 1947-XX-XX Prisoner of War
1947-XX-XX Released
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/299793