The Generals of WWII


About the project

This project attempts to create a biographical database, which covers the army generals of all participating countries of the Second World War. At the moment the database contains 28230 short biographical sketches of the army generals of World War 2.

However, taking into account the scope of the project, the information on each general will vary in detail. Some generals have only been identified and listed with their last names, while others are listed with full names and sketches of their military careers. I am engaged in the quest for further biographical information on the generals and as a result there will be continual updates.

To find information on a specific general use the Search function or just click on The Generals and then choose the country of origin.

I hope that you will find this a useful reference tool.

General of the day

Portrait of Major-General Fedor Fedorovich Maslennikov

Maslennikov, Fedor Fedorovich


* 17th of February 1902

† February 1968

(Федор Федорович Масленников)

Flag for Soviet Union


1943-12-20 Major-General


1943-08-17 1945-07-01 Chief of Staff, 43rd Army
1945-06-28 1945-11-15 Chief of Staff, 1st Red Banner Army
1945-08-09 1945-09-02 Deputy Commander in Chief Far Eastern Command
1960-09-26 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin


Any comments, suggestions or corrections please feel free to contact me at:

Best Regards
Steen Ammentorp, Librarian DB., M.L.I.Sc.