The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kenzō Ōgi

Ōgi, Kenzō


* 3rd of March 1886

† 9th of July 1979


(おおぎ けんぞう)


1933-12-20 Colonel
1937-11-01 Major-General


1932-12-07 1934-11-17 Staff Officer, Army Technical Headquarters
1934-11-17 1937-03-01 Commanding Officer 5th Field Artillery Regiment
1937-03-01 1937-11-01 Attached to Main Army Arsenal
1937-11-01 1940-08-01 Chief of Ordnance Section, Northern China Area Army
1940-08-01 1940-08-31 Attached to 1st Depot Division
1940-08-31 Retired