The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Giacomo Abrate

Abrate, Giacomo


* 30th of June 1873


1917-03-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1918-11-07 Colonel
1933-03-14 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1932-01-01)


1915-06-24 Attached to 3rd Mountain Artillery Regiment
1918-02-11 Attached to 26th Field Artillery Regiment
1918-02-11 1918-11-07 Acting Commanding Officer 26th Field Artillery Regiment
1918-11-07 1920-11-14 Commanding Officer 26th Field Artillery Regiment
1920-11-14 Commanding Officer 1st Mountain Artillery Regiment
1931-01-18 At disposal of Torino Army Corps
1931-01-18 1939-06-30 Unemployed
1939-06-30 Retired