The Generals of WWII

Generals from Czechoslovakia Flag for Czechoslovakia
Portrait of General of Judicial Service Josef Adam

Adam, Josef

General of Judicial Service

* 6th of March 1882

† 22nd of April 1958


1922-12-30 Lieutenant-Colonel (Later with Seniority from 1911-06-11)
1929-07-16 Colonel
1936-03-05 General of Judicial Service (Seniority from 1936-01-01)
1953-06-12 Major-General


1921-10-17 1925-02-01 Deputy Military Prosecutor, Prague
1925-02-01 1925-11-01 Legal Officer, Prague Territorial Command
1925-11-01 1928-01-15 Chief of Division Tribunal, Prague
1928-01-15 1929-03-31 Chief of Section I, Military Praesidium, Ministry of National Defence
1929-03-31 1929-12-31 Chief of Division Tribunal, Prague
1929-12-31 1933-12-15 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1933-12-15 1934-10-01 Deputy Chief of Section I/5 (Legal Affairs), Ministry of National Defence
1934-10-01 1937-07-31 Chief of Section I/5 (Legal Affairs), Ministry of National Defence
1937-07-31 1938-02-18 Vice-President of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1938-02-18 1939-10-01 President of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1947-04-01 Retired
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