The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Georgii Afanasevich Afanasev

Afanasev, Georgii Afanasevich


* 30th of October 1896

† 21st of October 1971

(Георгий Афанасьевич Афанасьев)


1943-09-01 Major-General


1938-03-XX 1938-10-XX Assistant Head of Combat Training, Tbilisi Military School
1938-10-XX 1939-07-XX Commanding Officer 9th Mountain Rifle Division
1939-07-XX 1940-06-XX Chief of Control Group, Military Council, Transcaucasian Military District
1940-06-XX 1941-08-04 Commandant of Telavsk Mortar School
1941-08-04 1942-04-15 Commanding Officer 297th Rifle Division
1942-05-XX 1942-06-30 Head of the Frontline Infantry Course for Junior Lieutenants, Southwestern Front
1942-06-30 1944-08-07 Commanding Officer 244th Rifle Division
1944-08-07 1945-01-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1945-01-XX 1945-03-19 Deputy Commanding Officer 26th Army
1945-03-19 1945-12-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1945-12-XX 1947-05-XX Head of the Moscow Higher Course for Local Staff Officers
1947-05-XX 1947-08-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1947-08-XX 1951-01-XX Head of the Archive, Ministry of the Armed Forces
1951-01-XX Retired
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