The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Engineers Pavel Vasilevich Afanasev

Afanasev, Pavel Vasilevich

Major-General of Engineers

* 19th of August 1903

† 11th of May 1960

(Павел Васильевич Афанасьев)


1940-10-10 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-11-13 Colonel
1944-03-29 Major-General of Engineers


1940-07-XX 1941-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Engineers, Special Baltic Military District
1941-11-XX 1942-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Engineers, Western Front
1942-11-XX 1943-10-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Mines Launcher Brigade
1943-10-XX 1945-10-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Eastern Air Defence Front
1945-10-XX 1947-06-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Southwestern Air Defence District
1947-06-XX 1948-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Engineers, Airborne Forces
1948-08-XX 1949-05-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-05-XX 1951-08-XX Head of Command-Engineer Department, Military-Engineering Academy
1951-08-XX 1951-11-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Moscow Military District
1951-11-XX 1953-10-19 Head of Controlling-Receiving Apparatus, Engineers
1953-11-19 Retired
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