The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Cesare Ajmonino

Ajmonino, Cesare


* 20th of October 1895

(Cesare Aimonino)


1926-12-05 Colonel (Seniority from 1926-06-05)
1932-04-01 Brigadier-General


1922-02-16 Attached to the School of Fensing & Physical Education
1922-04-16 1926-12-05 Attached to 2nd Cavalry Regiment "Piemonte Reale Cavalleria"
1926-12-05 Commanding Officer 6th Cavalry Regiment "Lancieri di Aosta"
1932-03-16 Commanding Officer Frosinone Military District
1940-03-16 Retired