The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Aleksei Osipovich Akhmanov

Akhmanov, Aleksei Osipovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 9th of March 1897

† 17th of November 1949

(Алексей Осипович Ахманов)


1938-02-20 Colonel
1943-09-10 Major-General of Tank Troops
1944-09-13 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1938-02-XX 1938-04-08 Commanding Officer 1st Motorised Rifle Regiment
1938-04-08 1940-07-20 Commanding Officer 30th Separate Tank Brigade
1940-07-20 1941-04-01 Deputy Commanding Officer 18th Tank Division
1941-04-01 1941-08-01 Commanding Officer 27th Tank Division
1941-08-XX 1941-09-XX Commanding Officer 105th Tank Division
1941-09-XX 1941-11-11 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, 24th Army
1941-11-11 1942-02-28 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Kalinin Front
1942-02-28 1942-07-22 Deputy Commander in Chief for Tank Forces, Kalinin Front
1942-07-22 1942-10-12 Commanding Officer 81st Tank Brigade
1942-10-12 1942-10-29 Deputy Commanding Officer for Tank Forces, 1st Guards Army
1942-10-29 1943-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Southwestern Front
1943-01-XX 1943-10-03 Deputy Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Southwestern Front
1943-10-03 1944-01-23 Deputy Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 3rd Ukrainian Front
1944-01-23 1944-03-12 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 3rd Ukrainian Front
1944-03-12 1945-06-XX Commanding Officer XXIII Tank Corps
1945-06-XX 1947-03-20 Commanding Officer 23rd Tank Division
1947-03-20 1948-04-14 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1948-04-29 1949-11-17 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Belorussian Military District
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