The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Alessandro Albert

Albert, Alessandro


* 8th of July 1895

† March 1961


1930-11-13 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1930-07-14)
1937-09-01 Colonel
1942-12-07 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-10-29)


1930-11-01 1935-XX-XX Instructor (Artillery) at the War School
1935-XX-XX 1936-07-07 Instructor at the Supreme Institute of War
1936-07-07 1937-05-09 Deputy Chief of Staff, Udine Corps
1937-05-09 1937-09-23 Deputy Chief of Staff, XX Corps
1937-09-23 1937-12-10 Attached to XX Corps
1937-12-10 1939-10-25 Commanding Officer 11th Division Artillery Regiment
1939-10-25 Attached to Alessandria Corps
1941-12-27 Chief of Staff, I Corps
1941-12-27 Attached to the Army General Staff
1942-07-15 Attached to the Army General Staff
1942-07-15 Attached to North Africa General Headquarters
1943-02-05 Attached to Libya General Headquarters
1943-02-05 1943-05-22 Attached to the Ministry of War
1943-05-22 Deputy Chief of Staff, Army Group East
1943-09-09 1945-05-XX Prisoner of War [Germany]
1946-07-12 1948-05-14 Head of the Military Household of the Head of State
1948-XX-XX 1950-XX-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, V Territorial Defence Command
1950-05-01 1951-08-31 General Officer Commanding Division "Cremona"
1951-09-XX 1953-05-10 Commndant of School of Arms Application
1953-XX-XX 1956-06-01 General Officer Commanding Roma Territorial Defence Command
1956-09-01 Designated General Officer Commanding 3rd Army
1957-06-XX 1959-04-XX Commander in Chief NATO Forces Southern Europe
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