The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Evgenii Stepanovich Alekhin

Alekhin, Evgenii Stepanovich


* 11th of December 1893

† 22nd of April 1945

(Евгений Степанович Алехин)


1935-11-26 Kombrig
1942-10-01 Major-General


1926-10-XX 1929-06-XX Attending Frunze Military Academy
1929-06-XX 1931-04-XX Commanding Officer 15th Rifle Regiment
1931-04-XX 1933-04-XX Chief of Staff, 5th Rifle Division
1933-04-XX 1937-08-XX Commandant of Minsk Infantry School
1937-08-XX 1938-03-08 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1938-03-08 Dismissed from the Army
1938-03-14 1941-03-07 Arrested
1941-06-02 Reinstated in the Army
1941-06-02 1941-07-12 Deputy Commanding Officer XXXIII Rifle Corps
1941-07-12 1942-03-21 Commanding Officer 9th Reserve Rifle Brigade
1942-03-21 1942-04-02 At disposal of the Military Council, Western Front
1942-04-02 1943-08-23 Commanding Officer 113th Rifle Division
1943-08-23 1945-04-22 Commanding Officer XXVII Guards Rifle Corps
1945-04-22 Severely wounded
1945-04-22 Died of his wounds
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