The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Antoine-Dominique-Frédéric Aliotti

Aliotti, Antoine-Dominique-Frédéric


* 4th of April 1881

† 28th of November 1964


1931-03-21 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-03-25 Colonel
1939-02-23 Brigadier-General


1932-XX-XX Deputy Director of Artillery, Indochina
1934-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, Corsica
1939-07-12 1940-06-08 Commanding Officer Artillery, 2nd Colonial Infantry Division
1940-06-08 1940-07-11 Commanding Officer Artillery, 2nd Light Colonial Infantry Division
1940-07-11 1940-08-20 At disposal
1940-08-20 Retired