The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Signal Troops Stepan Ivanovich Aliuskin

Aliuskin, Stepan Ivanovich

Major-General of Signal Troops

* 24th of December 1902

† 27th of August 1970

(Степан Иванович Алюшин)


1944-02-22 Major-General of Signal Troops


1938-07-03 1939-06-15 Military Commissar, Military Electro-Technical Academy
1939-06-15 1946-03-XX Deputy People's Commissar of Communications
1946-03-XX 1949-02-XX Deputy Minister of Communications
1949-02-XX 1950-03-XX Attending the Military Political Academy
1950-03-XX 1952-01-28 Deputy Head of the Technical Intelligence Department, Research Institute of the Air Force
1952-01-28 1952-06-10 Head of the Central Laboratory of Electronic Devices, 160 Research & Testing Institute
1952-06-10 1961-05-18 Head of 21st Research & Testing Institute
1961-05-18 Retired
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