The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Mikhail Andreevich Allakhverdov

Allakhverdov, Mikhail Andreevich


* 14th of November 1900

† 10th of October 1968


(Михаил Андреевич Аллахвердов)


1936-12-20 Captain of State Security
1945-04-25 Commissar of State Security
1945-07-09 Major-General


1934-07-XX 1937-10-XX NKVD Resident in Afghanistan
1937-11-XX 1938-12-XX NKVD Resident in Turkey
1938-12-XX 1939-06-01 At disposal of the Personnel Section, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1939-06-01 1939-08-02 Senior Investigator, 19th Branch, 5th Section, Main State Security Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1939-08-02 1940-12-26 Senior Investigator, Special Bureau, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1940-12-26 1941-03-27 Deputy Chief of 2nd Section, Special Bureau, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1941-03-XX 1941-06-25 Chief of 1st Branch, 7th Section, 1st Directorate, People's Commissariat of State Security NKGB
1941-06-25 1941-07-21 At disposal of the Personnel Section, 1st Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1941-07-XX 1944-06-XX NKVD-NKGB Resident in Afghanistan
1944-07-01 1946-03-XX Chief of 8th Section, 1st Directorate, People's Commissariat of State Security NKGB
1946-03-XX 1946-06-27 Chief of 8th Section, 1st Directorate, Ministry of State Security MGB
1946-06-27 1947-06-25 Chief of Section "1-B", 1st Main Directorate, Ministry of State Security MGB
1947-11-XX 1951-12-XX Deputy Commandant of MVD Intelligence School
1951-12-XX 1954-03-XX Deputy Commandant of 101st MVD School
1954-03-XX 1955-04-06 Deputy Commandant of 101st KGB School
1955-04-06 Retired
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