The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of Major-General Jules Theodore Alting von Geusau

Alting von Geusau, Jules Theodore


* 28th of July 1881

† 13th of March 1940


1930-10-02 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-05-01 Colonel
1936-11-01 Major-General


1930-10-02 1931-11-01 Commanding Officer 1st Artillery Regiment
1931-11-01 1932-11-01 Chief of Staff, 1st Division
1932-11-01 1936-11-01 Commandant of the Higher War School
1936-11-01 1940-03-13 General Officer Commanding 1st Division
1936-11-01 1940-03-13 General Officer Commanding 1st Detachment
1939-07-01 1940-03-13 General Officer Commanding I Corps
Picture source: Courtesy of Hans Houterman &