The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Alexander Vass Anderson

Anderson, Alexander Vass


* 17th of November 1895

† 17th of October 1963

(Royal Engineers)


1937-07-29 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-11-04 Local Colonel
1940-02-18 Relinquish the Local rank of Colonel
1940-04-05 Acting Brigadier
1940-04-22 Colonel
1942-10-05 Temporary Brigadier
1942-12-20 Acting Major-General
1943-12-20 Temporary Major-General
1947-11-01 Brigadier
1949-06-15 Granted the honorary rank of Major-General


1937-10-09 1938-01-XX Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General ? [India]
1938-01-XX Commanding Officer Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers & Miners [India]
1939-10-03 1940-02-18 Senior Umpire ?
1940-04-22 1940-05-14 Assistant Quartermaster-General, North Western Expeditionary Force [Norway]
1940-05-15 1940-10-10 Assistant Quartermaster-General, Home Forces
1940-10-11 1942-04-04 Chief Administration Officer ?
1942-04-05 1943-05-03 Brigadier Q (L), War Office
1943-05-06 1943-12-19 Specially employed, War Office
1943-12-20 1944-08-11 Deputy Quartermaster-General, British Military Mission Washington
1944-08-28 1946-XX-XX Director of Civil Affairs, War Office
1949-06-15 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley