The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Medical Services Fedor Fedorovich Andreev

Andreev, Fedor Fedorovich

Lieutenant-General of Medical Services

* 3rd of September 1900

† 30th of May 1950

(Федор Федорович Андреев)


1940-12-07 Brigade-Surgeon
1943-05-12 Major-General of Medical Services
1945-05-24 Lieutenant-General of Medical Services


1933-12-XX 1939-06-XX Chief Surgeon, Rostov District Military Hospital
1939-06-XX 1940-07-XX Instructor at the Military Medical Academy
1940-07-XX 1940-09-XX At disposal of the People's Commissariat of the Navy
1940-09-XX 1940-12-XX Instructor at the Naval Medical Academy
1940-12-XX 1946-04-XX Head of Medical & Sanitary Directorate, Navy
1946-04-XX 1947-06-XX Deputy Head of the Main Military Medical Directorate, Armed Forces
1947-06-XX 1949-08-XX Deputy Chief Surgeon for Naval Forces, Armed Forces
1949-08-XX 1950-05-30 Chief Surgeon of the Navy
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin