The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vladimir Semenovich Andreev

Andreev, Vladimir Semenovich


* 28th of July 1896

† 11th of August 1971

(Владимир Семенович Андреев)


1943-10-16 Major-General


1936-01-XX 1938-07-XX Commanding Officer 96th Rifle Regiment
1938-07-XX 1938-09-XX At disposal of the Command Personnel Directorate
1938-09-XX 1939-12-XX Head of Tactics Department, Military Political School
1939-12-XX 1941-09-06 Head of Military Course, Political Officers' Advanced Training Course
1941-09-06 1941-12-19 Commanding Officer 326th Rifle Division
1941-12-19 1942-04-15 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-04-15 1942-08-27 Commanding Officer 52nd Rifle Division
1942-08-27 1942-11-14 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-11-14 1943-02-XX Convalescing
1943-02-XX 1944-10-XX Commandant of Kuibyshevsk Infantry School
1944-10-XX 1946-02-25 Head of Military Department, Samarkandsk State University
1946-02-25 Retired
Picture source:Андреев,_Владимир_Семёнович