The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Paul-Émile Angénot

Angénot, Paul-Émile


* 26th of August 1893

† 9th of September 1979


1940-11-XX Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-02-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-02-01 Temporary Colonel
1942-02-01 Colonel
1944-11-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General
1950-09-01 Major-General (Retired)


1940-11-XX 1941-07-31 Chief of Staff to General de Gaulle
1941-07-31 1941-10-13 Attached to the Free French Forces in the Middle East
1941-10-13 1941-10-21 Inspector of Cavalry, Levant
1941-10-21 1941-12-20 Inspector of Free French Motorised & Mechanised Formations
1941-12-20 1942-01-17 Commanding Officer Troops, Territory of Northern Syria
1942-01-17 1942-05-05 Commanding Officer Troops, Territory of Lebanon
1942-05-05 1942-08-17 Commanding Officer Beyrouth Fortified Sector [Lebanon]
1942-08-17 1944-09-30 Commanding Officer Cavalry & Motorised Units, Levant
1944-09-30 1944-10-19 Attached to Transition Depot of the Troops of the Levant
1944-10-19 1944-12-01 At disposal of the Directorate of Cavalry, Ministry of War
1944-12-01 1945-11-07 General Officer Commanding 5th Military Region
1945-11-07 1947-09-01 Military Attaché to Great Britain
1947-09-01 1949-06-20 At disposal
1949-06-20 1950-08-26 Assistant General Officer Commanding 5th Armoured Division
1950-08-26 Retired