The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Alphonse Antoine

Antoine, Alphonse


* 26th of August 1890

† 9th of February 1969


1939-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-11-25 Colonel
1944-12-25 Brigadier-General


1938-06-23 1939-09-06 Chief of Central Signals Equipment Establishment, Paris
1939-09-06 1940-02-02 Chief of 3rd Section, Directorate of Armaments Fabrication, Ministry of Armaments
1940-02-02 1940-05-21 Attached to Diverse Industrial Service, Directorate-General of Industrial Production, Ministry of Armaments
1940-05-21 1940-06-23 Chief of Signal & Electro-Mechanical Service Section, Directorate of Fabrication in the Industry, Ministry of Armaments
1940-06-23 1940-07-17 Attached to the Commanding Officer Troops & Signal Services
1940-07-17 1940-08-12 Chief of Central Signals Equipment Establishment, Beaune
1940-08-12 1940-12-18 Attached to Liquidation Central, Central Engineers Establishments
1940-12-18 1942-07-05 Chief of Signals, Tunisia
1942-07-05 1942-11-27 Chief of Signals, 2nd Group of Military Divisions
1942-11-27 1943-03-01 On leave
1944-01-01 1944-08-27 At disposal
1944-05-06 1944-08-27 National Delegate of Signals in the Resistance
1944-08-27 1944-09-01 Commanding Officer Troops & Signal Services
1944-09-01 1946-01-01 Director of Signals Materials
1946-01-01 Retired