The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Konstantin Akimovich Antonov

Antonov, Konstantin Akimovich


* 8th of March 1901

† 28th of November 1969


(Константин Акимович Антонов)


1944-04-08 Major-General
1957-07-15 Lieutenant-General


1933-05-XX 1934-09-20 Commanding Officer 5th NKVD Regiment
1934-09-20 1935-01-10 Commanding Officer 194th NKVD Regiment
1935-01-10 1937-10-XX Commanding Officer 176th NKVD Regiment
1937-10-XX 1940-02-XX Attending Frunze Military Academy
1940-02-XX 1940-09-11 Chief of 2nd Section, Border Troops Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Belorussian SSR
1940-09-11 1941-06-27 Chief of Staff, NKVD Border Troops, Leningrad District
1941-06-27 1941-09-XX Commanding Officer NKVD Border Troops for Rear Security, Northern Front
1941-09-XX Commanding Officer 6th Leningrad People's Militia Division
1941-09-23 1941-10-17 Commanding Officer 189th Rifle Division
1941-10-25 1942-01-15 Commanding Officer 43rd Rifle Division
1942-03-XX 1942-07-06 Chief of Staff, NKVD Rear Security, Southern Front
1942-07-06 1944-07-27 Chief of Staff, NKVD Border Troops, Turkmenistan District
1944-07-27 1946-03-XX Chief of Staff, NKVD Border Troops, Belorussian District
1946-03-XX 1949-03-XX Chief of Staff, MVD Border Troops, Belorussian District
1949-03-XX 1952-05-XX Commanding Officer MVD Border Troops, Khabarovsk District
1952-06-26 1953-03-XX Commanding Officer MGB Border Troops, Pacific Ocean
1953-03-XX 1953-06-XX Commanding Officer MVD Border Troops, Pacific Ocean
1953-06-XX 1957-04-XX Commanding Officer MVD Border Troops, Pacific District
1957-04-XX 1957-09-10 Commanding Officer KGB Border Troops, Pacific District
1957-11-XX 1959-11-XX Commanding Officer KGB Border Troops, Western District
1959-12-08 Retired
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