The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Aviation Nikolai Dmitrievich Antonov

Antonov, Nikolai Dmitrievich

Colonel-General of Aviation

* 6th of January 1909

† 14th of June 1986

(Николай Дмитриевич Антонов)


1944-02-04 Major-General of Aviation
1953-08-03 Lieutenant-General of Aviation
1960-05-07 Colonel-General of Aviation


1939-01-XX 1940-05-XX Military Commissar, 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment
1940-05-XX 1940-10-XX Member of the Military Council, 42nd Fighter Aviation Brigade
1940-10-XX 1941-09-XX Commanding Officer 154th Fighter Aviation Regiment
1941-09-XX 1941-11-XX Commanding Officer 91st Fighter Aviation Division
1941-11-XX 1943-06-26 Assistant Commanding Officer VII Fighter Aviation Corps
1942-12-25 1943-04-01 Commanding Officer 273rd Fighter Aviation Division
1943-06-26 1943-07-07 Commanding Officer VII Fighter Aviation Corps
1943-07-07 1946-03-XX Commanding Officer II Guards Fighter Aviation Corps
1946-03-XX 1948-03-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1948-03-XX 1949-05-XX Commanding Officer Leningrad Guards Fighter Aviation Corps
1949-05-XX 1949-12-XX Commanding Officer 25th Fighter Air Defence Army
1949-12-XX 1950-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Air Forces, Belorussian Military District
1950-04-XX 1952-02-XX Commanding Officer LXII Fighter Aviation Corps
1952-02-XX 1954-07-XX Commanding Officer Stalingrad Air Defence Area
1954-07-XX 1955-05-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Fighter Aviation, Air Defence Forces
1955-05-XX 1959-09-XX Commanding Officer Northern Caucasian Air Defence Army
1955-05-XX 1959-09-XX Assistant Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Military District
1959-09-XX 1962-02-XX Chief of the Political Section, Moscow Air Defence District
1962-02-XX 1965-04-XX Commanding Officer 6th Separate Air Defence Army
1962-02-XX 1965-04-XX Assistant Commander in Chief Leningrad Military District
1965-04-XX 1970-05-25 Assistant Commander in Chief Warsaw Pact Forces
1970-05-25 Retired
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