The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Ivanovich Antsiferov

Antsiferov, Ivan Ivanovich


* 10th of August 1896

† 11th of March 1978

(Иван Иванович Анциферов)


1943-09-25 Major-General


1937-05-XX 1940-03-XX Instructor at Gorkii Reserve Officers' Refreshing Course
1940-03-XX 1940-12-XX Commanding Officer Battalion, Kineshemskikh Reserve Officers' Refreshing Course
1940-12-XX 1941-08-25 Instructor at Vladimirsk Reserve Officers' Refreshing Course
1941-08-25 1941-12-12 Commanding Officer 1105th Rifle Regiment
1941-12-12 1942-09-15 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-09-15 1942-11-03 Deputy Commanding Officer 212th Rifle Division
1942-11-03 1943-05-17 Deputy Commanding Officer 299th Rifle Division
1943-05-17 1943-05-24 Commanding Officer 299th Rifle Division
1943-05-24 1944-11-XX Commanding Officer 97th Guards Rifle Division
1944-11-XX 1945-01-XX Convalescing
1945-02-07 1946-10-XX Commanding Officer 188th Rifle Division
1946-10-XX 1947-05-XX Head of the Military Department, Nikolaevsk Pedagogical Institute
1947-05-XX 1956-10-06 Head of the Military Department, Volga Forestry institute
1956-10-06 Retired
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