The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Gilbert-Jules-Auguste Appiano

Appiano, Gilbert-Jules-Auguste


* 18th of June 1872

† 22nd of December 1959


1918-09-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1922-12-25 Colonel
1927-03-17 Brigadier-General
1931-11-12 Major-General


1918-XX-XX Director of Radio Telegraph Service, Morocco
1922-XX-XX Director of Transmission Service, Morocco
1922-XX-XX Commanding Officer 41st Engineer Battalion
1927-03-17 1932-03-17 Commanding Officer Engineers, Morocco
1932-03-17 1934-02-15 Commanding Officer of Troops & Transmission Services
1932-03-17 1934-02-15 Member of the Technical Committee of Engineers
1934-02-15 1934-06-18 At disposal
1934-06-18 Retired
1939-09-02 1939-11-01 At disposal of General Officer Commanding Morocco as an Inspector for Economic Mobilisation in North Africa
1939-11-01 Retired