The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Enrico Armando

Armando, Enrico


* 3rd of September 1883


1935-06-16 Brigadier-General
1937-09-01 Major-General
1941-12-13 Lieutenant-General


1927-XX-XX 1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Cavalry Regiment "Piemonte Reale Cavalleria"
Commanding Officer 2nd Celere Brigade "Emanuele Filiberto Testa di Ferro"
Acting General Officer Commanding 65th Infantry Division "Granatieri di Savoia"
1937-XX-XX At disposal of the Ministry of Colonies
1938-XX-XX 1939-04-07 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1939-04-07 1939-06-01 Attached to Genova Corps
1939-06-01 1941-10-01 General Officer Commanding Genova Territorial Defence Command
1941-10-01 1941-10-18 Attached to North Africa General Headquarters
1941-10-18 1942-01-25 General Officer Commanding Tripoli Fortified Area
1942-01-25 General Officer Commanding Tripolitania Defence Command
1942-10-19 General Officer Commanding Tripolitania Millitary Command
1942-09-01 Retired, but remained employed
1942-10-19 1942-11-25 Attached to Libya General Headquarters
1942-11-25 Retired
1943-02-15 Recalled