The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kaichi Asano

Asano, Kaichi


* 25th of May 1885

† 14th of November 1937


(あさの かいち)


1927-07-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-04-11 Colonel
1936-08-01 Major-General


1926-03-02 1932-03-11 Instructor at the Army Infantry School
1926-03-02 1929-12-10 Staff Officer, Research Section, Army Infantry School
1928-08-10 1929-09-14 Commanding Officer Tank Training Unit, Army Infantry School
1929-09-14 1929-12-10 Staff Officer, Research Section, Army Motor School
1929-12-10 1931-08-01 Chief of Research Section, Army Infantry School
1931-08-01 1932-03-11 Staff Officer, Research Section, Army Infantry School
1932-03-11 1933-08-01 Commanding Officer 1st Tank Unit
1933-08-01 1934-08-01 Commanding Officer 1st Tank Regiment
1934-08-01 1935-09-07 Chief of Instruction Section, Army Infantry School
1934-08-01 1935-09-07 Instructor at the Army Infantry School
1934-08-01 1935-09-07 Member of the Army Munitions Committee
1935-09-07 1936-08-01 Commanding Officer Training Unit, Army Infantry School
1936-08-01 1937-09-15 Commanding Officer 30th Infantry Brigade
1937-09-15 1937-11-14 Field Inspector of Anchoring in North China
1937-11-14 Killed in Action [China]