The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Edwin Raymond Ash

Ash, Edwin Raymond


* 13th of May 1897

† 3rd of May 1957

(Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers)


1940-06-05 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-09-05 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-01-17 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-02-21 Acting Colonel
1941-08-21 Temporary Colonel
1941-12-15 Acting Brigadier
1942-06-15 Temporary Brigadier
1945-07-21 Colonel
1950-01-03 Brigadier


1941-12-15 1942-10-11 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services, Anti-Aircraft Command
1942-10-12 1943-05-19 Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Command
1950-12-01 1952-02-06 Aide-de-Camp to the King
1952-02-06 1954-06-27 Aide-de-Camp to the Queen
1954-06-27 Retired