The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Robert-Paul-Émile-Marc-Amédée Astier de Villatte

Astier de Villatte, Robert-Paul-Émile-Marc-Amédée


* 10th of May 1895

† 17th of November 1986


1938-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-25 Colonel
1943-08-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General
1947-02-20 Major-General


1936-09-25 1939-XX-XX Chief of Staff, French Forces in China
1939-06-20 1939-12-05 Commanding Officer 12th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1939-12-05 1940-08-22 Chief of Staff, Southwestern Group of Colonial Camps
1940-08-22 1940-09-19 Attached to the Governor-General of Algerian
1940-09-19 1941-08-05 Chief of the Military Cabinet of the Governor-General of Algeria
1941-08-05 1941-11-15 Commanding Officer Ouezzane Territory [Morocco]
1941-11-15 1943-07-06 Commanding Officer Tafilalet Territory [Morocco]
1943-07-06 1943-08-27 Assistant Commanding Officer Marrakech Region [Morocco]
1943-08-27 1944-09-08 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Marrakech [Morocco]
1943-09-10 1944-09-08 Commanding Officer Marrakech Region [Morocco]
1944-09-29 1945-09-24 General Officer Commanding Pacific Colonial Division
1945-09-24 1946-04-01 Commanding Officer Group of Sub-Divisions Montpellier
1946-04-01 1947-01-24 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Montpellier
1947-01-24 1947-07-03 Director of the Military Cabinet to the Minister of War
1947-07-03 1949-01-01 General Officer Commanding 9th Military Region
1949-01-01 1951-08-06 General Officer Commanding Armed Forces Group of French Central Africa
1951-08-06 1951-12-10 On leave
1951-12-10 1954-04-30 At disposal
1954-04-30 1955-06-01 Assistant Military-Governor of Paris
1954-04-30 1955-06-01 Inspector-General of the Reserves
1955-06-01 Retired