The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Masashi Asukai

Asukai, Masashi


* 4th of December 1885

† 25th of July 1974


(あすかい まさし)


1928-03-06 Colonel
1934-08-01 Major-General


1928-08-10 1930-08-01 Chief of Research Section, Army Signals School
1930-08-01 1932-04-11 Commanding Officer 2nd Signals Regiment
1932-04-11 1933-08-01 Attached to Imperial Guards Division
1933-08-01 1934-08-01 Instructor at the Army Artillery Engineering School
1934-08-01 1935-08-01 Commandant of Tsugaru Fortress
1935-08-01 1935-08-28 In Reserve
1935-08-28 Retired