The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Aga-Salim Ibragim ogly Atakishev

Atakishev, Aga-Salim Ibragim ogly


* 1903

† 1970


(Ага-Салим Ибрагим оглы Атакишев)


1939-03-25 Captain of State Security
1942-05-27 Major of State Security
1943-02-14 Colonel of State Security
1944-12-14 Commissar of State Security
1945-07-09 Major-General
1955-01-03 Stripped of rank


1939-06-04 1939-11-25 Acting Head of Militia Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1939-11-25 1940-03-14 Head of Militia Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1940-03-14 1940-03-29 At disposal of the Personnel Section, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1940-03-29 1941-03-22 Commanding Officer Kirovabad Local Militia
1941-03-22 1941-08-07 Head of Militia Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1941-03-22 1941-08-07 Deputy People's Commissar for Internal Affairs, Azerbaijan SSR
1941-08-07 1941-10-01 Deputy People's Commissar for Internal Affairs for Militia, Azerbaijan SSR
1941-10-01 1942-04-15 At disposal of the Personnel Section, 1st Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1942-05-09 1943-06-04 Chief of NKVD Special Section, Baku Air Defence Army
1943-06-04 1946-03-XX Deputy People's Commissar of State Security, Azerbaijan SSR
1944-01-15 1945-05-09 Member of the Military Council ,4th Army
1946-03-XX 1950-06-06 Deputy Minister of State Security, Azerbaijan SSR
1950-05-25 1953-03-16 Minister of Internal Affairs MVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1953-03-23 1954-XX-XX Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs MVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1954-XX-XX 1954-06-24 At disposal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD, Azerbaijan SSR
1954-06-24 Dismissed
1955-11-26 1956-04-26 Arrested
1956-04-26 Condemned to 25 years imprisonment
1970-10-19 Released
Picture source: From: 'Kto rukovodil organami gosbezopasnosti 1941-1954' by N.V. Petrov, 2010