The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Louis-Paul-Gustave Bachy

Bachy, Louis-Paul-Gustave


* 2nd of February 1877

† 4th of December 1947


1925-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-09-25 Colonel
1933-12-12 Brigadier-General


1929-XX-XX 1931-XX-XX Commanding Oficer 40th Artillery Regiment
1932-XX-XX 1934-XX-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, 12th Infantry Division
1937-02-02 Commanding Officer Artillery, 3rd Military Region
1937-02-02 Retired
1939-09-02 1940-07-01 Commanding Officer Artillery, 3rd Military Region
1940-07-01 Retired