The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Andrei Stepanovich Bagniuk

Bagniuk, Andrei Stepanovich


* 17th of March 1908

† 4th of November 1981

(Андрей Степанович Багнюк)


1940-01-31 Brigade-Commissar
1942-12-10 Colonel


1940-XX-XX Military Commissar, XIX Rifle Corps
1940-08-29 1941-08-10 Military Commissar, XXII Rifle Corps
1942-08-27 1943-11-12 Member of the Military Council 37th Army
1943-11-12 1944-04-04 Chief of the Political Section, 19th Guards Rifle Division
1944-06-07 1945-02-13 Chief of the Political Section, 75th Guards Rifle Division
1950-01-19 Retired