The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Division-Intendant Pavel Grigorevich Baikov

Baikov, Pavel Grigorevich


* December 1893

† 22nd of February 1938

(Павел Григорьевич Байков)


1935-11-26 Division-Intendant


1930-XX-XX 1932-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Main Military Port, Black Sea Naval Forces
1932-05-XX 1936-02-XX Assistant Commanding Officer Baltic Sea Naval Forces
1936-02-XX 1937-09-XX Commanding Officer Luga Military Port
1937-09-XX Dismissed
1937-09-25 1938-02-22 Arrested
1938-02-22 Condemned to death
1938-02-22 Executed
1956-12-08 Rehabilitated