The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Kombrig Sergei Ilich Bailo

Bailo, Sergei Ilich


* November 1892

† 20th of November 1937

(Сергей Ильич Байло)


1936-02-05 Kombrig


1932-11-XX 1933-03-XX Chief Director of Tactics, Military Medical Academy
1933-03-XX 1933-12-XX Instructor at the Military Electro-Technical Academy
1933-12-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Electro-Technical Academy
1936-11-XX Head of Tactics Department, Military Electro-Technical Academy
1936-11-XX 1937-07-XX Chief of Staff, II Cavalry Corps
1937-07-XX 1937-09-10 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1937-09-10 Dismissed
1937-09-12 1937-11-19 Arrested
1937-11-19 Condemned to death
1937-11-20 Executed
1959-10-19 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko