The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Lawyer Aleksei Ilich Bakulov

Bakulov, Aleksei Ilich


* 5th of April 1900

† 14th of December 1964

(Алексей Ильич Бакулов)


1936-04-05 Brigade-Lawyer
1942-12-24 Demoted to private
Senior Lieutenant
Colonel of Judiciary (Retired)


1931-XX-XX Deputy Military Prosecutor, Volga Military District
1931-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Attached to the Defence Committee, Council of People's Commissars
1936-10-XX 1938-11-XX Military Prosecutor, Moscow Garrison
1938-11-XX Dismissed
1939-XX-XX Reinstated in the Army
1939-XX-XX 1941-07-12 Instructor at the Military Law Academy
1941-07-12 1941-10-07 Arrested
1941-10-07 Condemned to 7 years imprisonment
1942-12-24 Sentence suspended and released
1943-11-16 Sentence permanently suspended
1946-07-24 Retired
1955-01-05 Rehabilitated
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