The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Efim Vikentevich Baranovich

Baranovich, Efim Vikentevich


* 4th of September 1884

† 3rd of November 1948

(Ефим Викентьевич Баранович)


1935-12-04 Kombrig
1940-04-26 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General


1920-01-XX 1920-02-29 Commanding Officer 92nd Rifle Regiment
1920-02-29 1920-06-05 Commanding Officer 144th Rifle Brigade
1920-06-05 1923-09-09 Commanding Officer 48th Rifle Division
1923-09-09 1924-07-27 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1924-07-27 1928-11-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Rifle Division
1928-11-XX 1929-01-XX At disposal of the Main Army Directorate
1929-01-XX 1929-10-XX Assistant Chief of Supply, Ukrainian Military District
1929-10-XX 1932-02-XX Commanding Officer 36th Rifle Division
1932-02-XX 1932-10-XX Commanding Officer 34th Rifle Division
1932-10-XX 1933-02-XX Instructor at the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1933-02-XX 1943-02-07 Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-02-07 1944-04-25 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Tank Army
1944-04-25 1944-08-02 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Guards Tank Army
1944-08-02 1944-09-23 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1944-09-23 1944-11-14 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Guards Tank Army
1944-11-14 1947-03-XX Head of Command Department, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1947-04-XX 1947-06-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1947-06-XX 1948-11-03 Head of Academic Officer Training Course, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1948-11-03 Retired
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