The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Intendant-General 1st Class Blaise-Henry-Donatien Barbe

Barbe, Blaise-Henry-Donatien

Intendant-General 1st Class

* 25th of May 1878

† 16th of January 1957


1919-09-25 Military Sub-Intendant 1st Class
1930-03-17 Intendant-General 2nd Class
1936-09-23 Intendant-General 1st Class


1930-03-17 1930-04-18 At disposal of General Officer Commanding Colonial Troops in France
1930-04-18 1933-01-17 Assistant Director of Intendancy Service, Colonial Troops in France
1933-01-17 1935-01-22 Director of Intendancy Service, Group French West Africa
1935-04-12 1935-07-10 On leave
1935-07-10 1935-11-07 Assistant Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence
1935-11-07 1937-01-19 Representative of the Colonial Troops with the Inspectorate-General of Intendancy Service
1937-01-19 1939-01-01 Director of Intendancy Service, Colonial Troops in France
1939-01-01 1939-09-02 Technical Assistant to the Inspector-General of Colonial Troops
1939-09-02 1940-06-21 Director of Intendancy Service, 1st Army
1940-06-22 1940-08-07 Isnpector-General of Supply
1940-07-08 Retired
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