The Generals of WWII

Generals from Brazil Flag for Brazil
Portrait of Marshal Júlio Caetano Horta Barbosa

Barbosa, Júlio Caetano Horta


* 8th of May 1881

† 1st of October 1965


1926-04-XX Lieutenant-Colonel
1930-07-XX Colonel
1933-08-XX Brigadier-General
1940-05-XX Major-General
1958-10-15 Marshal (Retired)


1930-XX-XX 1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Railway Battalion
1933-XX-XX 1934-XX-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Infantry Brigade
1934-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 8th Military Region
1934-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Director of Engineers
1936-06-XX 1936-11-XX General Officer Commanding 5th Military Region
1936-11-XX 1938-07-XX Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1938-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Chairman of the National Commission on Fuels & Lubricants
1939-XX-XX Vice-President of the National Council for the Protection of the Indians
1943-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 2nd Military Region
1945-XX-XX Retired
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