The Generals of WWII

Generals from Brazil Flag for Brazil
Portrait of Major-General Raimundo Rodrigues Barbosa

Barbosa, Raimundo Rodrigues


* 18th of October 1875

† 7th of April 1968


1918-08-XX Lieutenant-Colonel
1921-07-XX Colonel
1931-05-XX Brigadier-General
1931-12-XX Major-General


1924-07-XX 1931-07-XX Commanding Officer 5th Military Region
1924-08-30 1924-12-01 Governor of the province of Amazonas
1931-07-XX 1934-05-XX General Officer Commanding 6th Military Region
1931-07-15 1931-09-19 Governor of the province of Bahia
1934-05-XX 1935-07-XX Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1938-02-23 1943-10-06 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
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