The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Division-Commissar Moisei Pavlovich Barger

Barger, Moisei Pavlovich


* October 1892

† 16th of May 1938

(Моисей Павлович Баргер)


1935-11-28 Division-Commissar


1928-07-XX 1932-06-XX Deputy Commandant for Political Affairs, Military Technical Academy
1932-06-XX 1933-10-XX Deputy Commandant for Political Affairs, Military Electro-Technical Academy
1933-10-XX 1937-06-XX Deputy Chief of the Political Section, Volga Military District
1937-06-XX Dismissed
1937-10-04 1938-05-16 Arrested
1938-05-16 Condemned to death
1938-05-16 Executed
1956-06-06 Rehabilitated