The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Iosif Fedorovich Barinov

Barinov, Iosif Fedorovich


* 26th of October 1891

† 27th of December 1968

(Иосиф Федорович Баринов)


1942-08-04 Major-General
1944-11-02 Lieutenant-General


1932-03-XX 1938-07-23 Chief of Staff, 3rd Collective Division
1938-07-23 1939-12-25 Arrested
1939-12-25 1940-03-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Section, 2nd Separate Red Banner Army
1940-03-XX Assistant Commandant of Khabarovsk Infantry School
1941-03-18 Deputy Commandant of Khabarovsk Infantry School
1941-03-18 1941-10-21 Commandant of Khabarovsk Infantry School
1941-10-21 1941-11-04 Commanding Officer Spassky Rifle Division
1941-11-04 1942-08-01 Commanding Officer 98th Rifle Division
1942-09-24 1943-02-05 Commanding Officer 233rd Rifle Division
1943-02-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 62nd Army
1946-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 65th Army
1946-07-18 1949-02-XX Commandant of Kalinin Suvorov Military School
1949-02-XX 1955-02-XX Commandant of Northern Caucasian Suvorov Military School
1955-02-08 Retired
Picture source:Баринов_И.jpg