The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Maurice-Jean-Joseph Barthe

Barthe, Maurice-Jean-Joseph


* 8th of July 1892

† 12th of December 1964


1932-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-09-25 Colonel
1944-08-10 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1942-05-20)
1946-02-01 Major-General (Dated back to 1945-09-25)
1946-02-20 Lieutenant-General


1936-10-06 1936-10-10 Attached to Railway Service, 2nd Military Region
1936-10-10 Attached to the Secretariat-General of the Supreme Council of National Defence
1937-09-25 1940-01-01 Commanding Officer 13th Infantry Regiment
1940-01-01 1940-06-21 Commanding Officer Infantry, 36th Infantry Division
1940-06-21 1945-04-15 Prisoner of War
1945-05-16 1945-06-14 On leave
1945-06-15 1946-02-06 At disposal
1946-02-06 1946-06-01 Director of the Military Cabinet of the President of the Provisional Government
1946-06-01 Retired