The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Pierre-Jules-André Basse

Basse, Pierre-Jules-André


* 22nd of July 1886

† 26th of December 1971


1924-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-03-25 Colonel
1941-08-20 Brigadier-General


1934-XX-XX 1938-10-01 Attached to 8th Zouaves Regiment
1938-10-01 1940-07-24 Commanding Officer 150th Infantry Regiment
1940-07-24 1940-08-24 At disposal of General Officer Commanding 15th Military Region
1940-08-24 1940-11-10 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Rodez
1940-11-10 1941-04-16 Commanding Officer Department Aveyron
1941-04-16 1942-01-01 Commanding Officer Department Allier
1942-01-01 On leave
1943-03-09 1943-08-05 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Alger [Algeria]
1943-08-05 Retired
1943-12-16 Recalled
1943-12-16 1944-08-28 Assistant General Officer Commanding French Forces in Great Britain
1944-08-30 1945-01-08 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Seine-et-Oise
1945-01-01 Retired
1945-03-01 Recalled
1945-03-01 1945-10-01 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Nièvre
1945-10-01 Retired