The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General George Edward Restalic Bastin

Bastin, George Edward Restalic


* 14th of October 1902

† 2nd of August 1960

(Royal Artillery)


1941-04-16 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-07-16 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-10-30 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-12-07 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-06-14 Acting Colonel
1944-12-14 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-12-14 Temporary Colonel
1945-01-09 Acting Brigadier
1945-07-09 Temporary Brigadier
1945-12-09 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Brigadier
1946-01-25 Temporary Brigadier
1947-12-19 Colonel (Dated back to 1947-12-14)
1948-03-15 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Brigadier
1949-03-01 Temporary Brigadier
1952-07-01 Brigadier
1953-07-03 Local Major-General
1953-07-07 Temporary Major-General
1954-04-16 Major-General


1941-04-16 1942-10-31 Assistant Quartermaster-General, ?
1945-06-09 1945-07-19 Commanding Officer 29th Infantry Brigade [India]
1945-07-25 1945-08-24 Brigadier General Staff, 14th Army [Burma]
1946-01-25 1948-01-14 Chief Administration Officer, British Troops in Italy
1948-03-25 1948-11-30 Colonel General Staff, ?
1948-12-01 1949-12-11 Deputy Director of Weapons & Development, War Office
1951-01-08 1953-07-01 Commanding Officer 65th Anti-Aircraft Brigade
1953-07-07 1954-04-15 United Kingdom & Commonwealth Representative on United Nation's Armistice Commission Korea
1954-06-10 1956-06-20 Chief Administration Officer, Middle East Land Forces
1956-09-09 1958-09-15 Director of Weapons & Development, War Office
1958-09-15 1959-11-XX Assistant Controller of Munitions, Ministry of Supply
1959-11-XX 1960-08-02 Assistant Master-General of Ordnance, War Office
Picture source: Courtesy of John Redmond