The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Ronald Frederick King David Belchem

Belchem, Ronald Frederick King David


* 21st of January 1911

† 19th of July 1981

(Royal Tank Corps)


1941-09-10 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-12-10 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-12-09 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-01-24 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-08-25 Acting Colonel
1943-08-25 Acting Brigadier
1944-02-25 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-02-25 Temporary Colonel
1944-02-25 Temporary Brigadier
1948-10-09 Temporary Major-General
1949-12-31 Colonel
1950-02-01 Brigadier
1950-12-20 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Major-General
1953-12-18 Granted the honorary rank of Major-General


1941-09-10 1942-12-09 General Staff Officer 1, 8th Army [North Africa]
1942-12-29 1943-01-23 Brigade Major, 2nd Armoured Brigade [North Africa]
1943-01-24 1943-04-15 Commanding Officer 1st Royal Tank Regiment [North Africa]
1943-04-16 1943-08-24 General Staff Officer 1, 8th Army [Italy]
1943-08-25 1944-01-XX Brigadier General Staff (Operations), 8th Army [Italy]
1944-01-XX 1944-09-01 Brigadier General Staff (Special Planning Section), 21st Army Group [Northwestern Europe]
1944-09-01 1945-05-07 Brigadier General Staff (Operations), 21st Army Group [Northwestern Europe]
1946-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Chairman of Committee on British & Commonwealth Commander in Chief Conferences
1947-01-14 1947-12-XX Attending the Imperial Defence College
1948-01-02 1948-10-08 Commanding Officer 6th Infantry Brigade [Germany]
1948-10-09 1950-12-XX Chief of Staff to Field Marshal Montgomery
1950-12-20 1953-XX-XX Commanding Officer 33rd Armoured Brigade [Germany]
1953-12-18 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley