The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Geoffrey Basil Bell

Bell, Geoffrey Basil


* 5th of June 1906

† 22nd of February 1994

(Royal Signals)


1941-10-01 Acting Brigadier
1942-01-01 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-08-30 Major
1944-09-19 Acting Colonel
1945-03-19 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-03-19 Temporary Colonel
1945-03-21 Acting Brigadier
1945-09-21 Temporary Brigadier
1948-06-17 Lieutenant-Colonel
1951-06-17 Colonel
1955-05-03 Brigadier


1956-XX-XX Chief Signal Officer, Southern Command
1957-08-15 Retired