The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vasilii Andreevich Belonogov

Belonogov, Vasilii Andreevich


* 24th of July 1896

† 14th of November 1975

(Василий Андреевич Белоногов)


1940-04-25 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General


1938-08-XX 1942-01-24 Commanding Officer 106th Fortified Area
1942-01-XX 1942-08-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Fortified Areas, Far Eastern Front
1942-08-XX 1942-10-18 Deputy Commanding Officer 25th Army
1942-10-18 1943-06-26 Commanding Officer XXXIX Rifle Corps
1943-10-14 1943-12-02 Commanding Officer LXXXXV Rifle Corps
1943-12-XX 1944-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XIX Rifle Corps
1944-07-XX 1944-09-26 Commanding Officer Minsk Garrison
1944-09-26 1945-04-21 Commanding Officer 26th Rifle Division
1945-05-XX 1945-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 103rd Rifle Division
1945-07-XX 1945-12-XX At disposal of the High Command
1945-12-XX 1946-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXXV Rifle Corps
1946-07-XX 1947-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer CXXVIII Rifle Corps
1947-10-XX 1947-11-XX At disposal of the Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany
1947-11-XX 1948-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXIX Guards Rifle Corps
1948-04-XX 1948-06-10 Acting Commanding Officer XXIX Guards Rifle Corps
1948-06-10 1949-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXIX Guards Rifle Corps
1949-01-XX 1949-05-XX Head of Infantry Lieutenants' Course, Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany
1949-05-XX 1951-02-XX Commanding Officer 57th Guards Rifle Division
1951-02-XX 1952-02-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Rifle Division
1952-02-XX 1954-08-XX Assistant Commandant for Combat Affairs, Military Academy of Rear Service & Supply
1954-08-XX 1955-09-XX Head of the Higher Academic Course, Military Academy of Rear Service & Supply
1955-09-03 Retired
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