The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Mikhail Alekseevich Beloskurskii

Beloskurskii, Mikhail Alekseevich


* 21st of November 1902

† 15th of July 1972

(Михаил Алексеевич Белоскурский)


1944-11-02 Major-General


1941-11-XX 1942-03-17 Commanding Officer 238th Rifle Regiment
1942-03-17 1943-01-XX Commanding Officer 23rd Guards Rifle Regiment
1943-01-XX 1943-07-07 Commanding Officer 61st Separate Naval Rifle Brigade
1943-07-07 1945-03-29 Commanding Officer 205th Rifle Division
1945-03-29 1945-04-17 At disposal of the Military Council, 2nd Belorussian Front
1945-04-17 1946-07-XX Commanding Officer 372nd Rifle Division
1946-07-XX 1948-12-XX Commanding Officer 46th Separate Rifle Brigade
1948-12-XX 1950-06-XX Attending Frunze Military Academy
1950-06-XX 1954-06-XX Commanding Officer 24th Rifle Division
1954-06-XX 1955-04-XX Military Adviser to the Romanian Army
1955-04-XX 1955-05-XX At disposal of the 10th Directorate, General Staff
1955-05-XX 1957-02-26 Senior Military Adviser to the Hungarian Army
1957-02-26 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Igor Kuk